Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hola.... So our email time is pretty early today. looks like I beat any/all emails today so hope you didn't have any pressing questions. I might be able to get back on later but. I dunno.

So yeah. still in Peru. We've been watching all the Jefferey R. Holland talks he gave at the MTC over the past couple years. Seriously the most intense things ever. Turns out I missed seeing him there by like two months or so. any way you should go find them. cause they're way good. Mm Elder Weber and I are currently getting ready for our proselyting trip on Saturday. Which is gonna be way good. But I think he depends on me a little more than Elder Serrano so, probably gonna have to step my game up a little more for that. Hopefully I'll understand spanish by then or something. That'd be alright. ummm This week was really fast and I can't think of anything new cause it feels like I wrote you guys like... yesterday.

Oh. but can someone out there in the virtual world get me a report on how Davis soccer did? Elder Loveless knows like every game Bingham has played while he was gone somehow and I want to rub it in a bit if Davis did better. ha.

 Um yeah. pretty much out of time. So in summation. still here. Still just read and study and speak spanish everyday. Gonna go wash my clothes and read a book (are you guys aware of how intense the new testament is? you probably are. But i wasn't before. And I recently discovered that it's nuts.) anyways. Love you, Elder Brian.

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