Monday, April 30, 2012

Dear Muggles,

I’m still here till Tuesday. Can’t leave Richards in the lurch on change day, you know? It’s actually gotten uber crazy. The ever-reliable LAN airlines cancelled our flights to Lima that connects all the returning missionaries with their international flights all over the who-knows-wheredom. Apparently Monday is the day some supposed saint did some purportedly saintly thing and blah blah blah something about a magical door. So, to commemorate that great act of Christianity/Door-Human relations everyone will stop doing less useful things (like staffing airports and hospitals) and go consume liver pulverizing amounts of alcohol and play some fulbito. 

In the spirit of venting my stress, let me explain one of my favorite Peruvian medical discoveries. What you must never do is play fulbito or exercise or get really hot and then go open a fridge. If you do, you will die. On the spot. Just fall over dead with the open box of juice still in your hand. And everyone knows someone that this happened to. Never mind that the guy was 5´6, 245 pounds, cholesterol of 385, had just downed 4 liters of booze and ran around just as fast as his little Mario legs could carry him for three and half hours. No, no. Twas the hastily opened fridge door that got him. Almost as good as the one about how rubbing an egg on a sick person will suck the bad out. I actually like that one enough that I used to give missionaries permission to let their pensionistas rub eggs all over their heads and stuff. Absolutely hilarious. And legitimately worked like 60% of the time. Anyways, today I’ll spend all my time rearranging travel plans I had been meticulously arranging over the past month and a half....

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